What is Right-of-Way?
The Survey Crew is responsible for marking existing rights-of-way. Right-of-way is the right for anyone to pass through a portion of your land that may be considered public; it grants access to anyone who may need to travel through your land.
What do Rights-of-Way allow?
A right-of-way allows another individual to travel through your property, which benefits another person or another parcel of land you do not own.
Can the Survey Crew mark my private property lines?
No. The Survey Crew only marks existing rights-of-way and does not mark private property lines.
The Engineering Department can provide you with an aerial map of your property location, but this will not be exact. You can use this map, however, as a guideline to help you locate your property lines.
What can I do if I need help in locating my exact private property lines?
You'll want to contact a survey company within the area for assistance in locating your exact private property line locations.